Best jobs for introverts with anxiety.

Hey there. If you’re anything like me, the thought of a bustling office, endless meetings, and constant socializing at work probably feels a bit overwhelming.

Here, I’ve put together a list of best jobs for introverts with anxiety. You’ll find:

  • Jobs that offer remote work and solitude 🏝️
  • Decent salaries and job security, because financial peace is important too ✌️
  • Honest insights into potential challenges 💪

1. Data Analyst

As introverts, we find comfort in predictability and routine. Data analysis offers that. It’s a job where you can immerse myself in logic and patterns, away from the noise of the outside world.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Solitude with Numbers: It’s just you and the data. No need for constant interaction or small talk that drains your energy.
  • Remote Possibilities: Many of these jobs are remote now. Imagine working in your safe space, where you’re most comfortable, away from the bustling office environment.


The average salary for a Data Analyst is $76,857 per year in United States, according to

  • Decent Salary Prospects: The pay can be pretty good, depending on your experience and location. No commuting expenses if remote.
  • It’s not just about the money, though. It’s about finding a job that doesn’t make you dread Mondays.

Potential Challenges

  • Business Deadlines: Yeah, deadlines can be a thing. Sometimes, the pressure mounts, and it feels like you’re juggling too much. But then, I think about the trade-off: dealing with numbers instead of people, and it seems worth it.
  • Stakeholder Meetings: There might be times you have to collaborate or join calls. It’s not ideal, but it’s manageable, especially when most of your time is spent in your own analytical world.

2. Librarian

Imagine a space where the most noise comes from the gentle rustling of pages turning. That’s the life of a Librarian.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • A Haven of Silence: Libraries are havens for those of us who find solace in silence. Here, being quiet isn’t just accepted; it’s the norm.
  • Amongst the Books: For those of us who find friends in books more than people, this is a world where you’re surrounded by stories and knowledge.


The average salary for a librarian is $58,322 per year in the United States

  • Steady, Modest Income: The salary might not make you wealthy, but it’s generally enough to live a comfortable life, especially when you value peace over extravagance.
  • Benefits and Stability: Often, these roles come with the added perks of stability and benefits, which is reassuring when the outside world feels too unpredictable.

Potential Challenges

  • Patron Interactions: There are moments when you have to assist library patrons. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s there. It’s a small price to pay for the tranquility that comes with the rest of the job.
  • Hands-on with Tech: The quiet of the library is occasionally punctuated by the need to handle digital resources or tech-related queries. Most libraries now have a digital presence.

3. Archivist

I often think about how being an introvert isn’t about shyness or being unsocial. It’s about where you draw your energy from. That’s why the job of an Archivist feels like a snug fit. It’s not about hiding from the world; it’s about finding comfort in the quiet corners of history.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • History Buffs Unite: The job is like being in your own little bubble, surrounded by documents and artifacts.
  • Most of the time, it’s just you and historical records. It’s that feeling of being lost in a book at a party, except the book is your job, and there’s no party.


The average salary for archivist is $56,514 per year in the United States.

  • Steady but Not Flashy: You won’t be rolling in cash, but you’ll have enough for a comfortable life, especially since you’re not the type to blow money on every social event.
  • Balanced Lifestyle: This job often comes without the crazy hours or unexpected overtime, meaning you can plan your life and your alone time.

Potential Challenges

  • Fragile History: Handling ancient documents means being careful and focused.
  • Collaborative Moments: Sure, there are times you need to work with others, especially when setting up exhibitions or special projects.

Becoming an Archivist is perfect for those of us who find solace in silence and history, who prefer the company of the past over the noise of the present.

4. Government Accountant

For an introvert, a job like Government Accounting can be a role where you can focus on facts and figures in a structured environment.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Structured Environment: Government roles often come with clear procedures and routines, something that can be reassuring if you’re someone who finds comfort in order and predictability.
  • Focused Work: Here, the emphasis is on accuracy and compliance, not on office mingling or team-building exercises.
  • Remote Possibilities: Assuming you’re in the U.S., the federal government gives you the chance to telework. You’ll be asked to come into the office X number of days, but for the most part it’s WFH.
  • Local government can be just as generous. A lot of county level jobs are WFH after training.


On average, a Government Accountant in the United States earns around $126,000 per year.

  • Stable Income: Government jobs are known for their stability and steady paychecks, which can be a relief if financial uncertainties add to your anxiety.
  • Benefits and Security: These roles often come with good benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and sometimes even flexible work schedules.

Potential Challenges

  • Navigating Bureaucracy: The flip side of structure is bureaucracy. It can be frustrating at times, dealing with the slow pace of government processes.
  • Regulation Heavy: You need to be on top of various regulations and compliance requirements, which can be complex and ever-changing.

5. Hotel Night Clerk

For someone who’s more of a night owl and enjoys the quiet, working as a Hotel Night Clerk can be a surprisingly good fit. It’s a job where the hustle and bustle of the day give way to the calm of the night, and your interactions are more about quality customer service than quantity.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Quiet Nights: The night shift often means fewer guests and less noise, allowing for a more peaceful work environment.
  • Limited Interaction: While you do interact with guests, it’s typically not overwhelming, as there are fewer people around at night.


Hotel Night Clerks can expect an average salary of around $30,000 to $35,000 per year in the United States.

  • Steady Income: It’s a job with a regular paycheck.
  • Potential for Additional Perks: Depending on the hotel, there might be additional benefits like discounted room rates or meals.

Potential Challenges

  • Odd Hours: Working nights can be a challenge, especially when it comes to maintaining a social life or family time. It’s like living in a different time zone from the rest of the world.
  • Handling Late-Night Issues: Occasionally, you might have to deal with emergencies or late-night check-ins, which can be a bit unpredictable.

Being a Hotel Night Clerk suits someone who finds comfort in the quieter, more serene part of the day. It’s for those of us who don’t mind a bit of solitude and can appreciate the unique calmness that comes when most of the world is asleep.

6. Web Developer

As an introvert, the idea of working on projects where I can dive deep into code and problem-solving, without the constant buzz of office chatter, is pretty appealing. That’s what draws me to being a Web Developer.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Creative Solitude: Web development offers the chance to work independently, focusing deeply on coding and design. It’s like having a conversation with the computer – straightforward and to the point.
  • Remote Work Flexibility: Many web development jobs offer the option to work remotely, meaning you can avoid the draining commute and work in an environment you control.


The average salary for Web Developer is $89,208 per year in the United States.

  • Competitive Pay: The field often offers competitive salaries, and with experience and skill development, there’s potential for even higher earnings.
  • Project-Based Income: If you freelance, your income might vary based on the projects you take on, but it allows for greater control over your workload.

Potential Challenges

  • Keeping Up with Tech: The field is always evolving, so there’s a need to continually learn and adapt to new technologies and trends.
  • Client Specifications: If working freelance or on contract, dealing with client requirements and feedback is part of the job. It’s not as intense as regular office interactions, but it requires some level of communication.

7. Commercial Cleaning Services

There’s something straightforward and satisfying about a job where you can see the tangible results of your work. That’s what draws me to Commercial Cleaning Services.

It’s an occupation where you’re mostly left to your own devices, focusing on the task at hand without the constant need for interaction or office politics.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Work in Solitude: Often, you’ll find yourself working alone or with a small team, which is great if you prefer to keep to yourself and focus on the job.
  • Clear Objectives: There’s a clear set of tasks to complete, and once you’re done, you can see the immediate impact of your work. It’s less about teamwork and more about personal accomplishment.


The average salary for a Commercial Cleaner is $41,200 per year in US.

  • Consistent Earnings: While it might not be the highest-paying job, it offers consistent work and income.
  • Night Shift Premiums: If you work night shifts, there’s often a pay premium, which can be a bonus for night owls.

Potential Challenges

  • Physical Work: The job can be physically demanding, requiring you to be on your feet and active for most of your shift.
  • Off-Hours Scheduling: Many commercial cleaning jobs are during off-hours, so it might mean working evenings or nights, which can disrupt a regular daytime schedule.

Opting for a job in Commercial Cleaning Services is like choosing a path of quiet, methodical work.

8. Janitor

Being a Janitor is about finding peace in routine and the satisfaction of keeping spaces clean and orderly.

It’s a job that often goes unnoticed, but for an introvert who appreciates a steady rhythm and working away from the spotlight, it can be quite fitting.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Routine and Independence: Most of the time, you’re working on your own, following a set routine. This consistency is comforting if you’re someone who values predictability in your work.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Role: There’s a certain peace in working in a role that doesn’t put you at the center of attention, allowing you to focus on your tasks without the pressure of constant social interactions.


Janitors typically earn an average salary of about $28,000 to $32,000 per year in the United States.

  • Steady Income: It’s not the most lucrative job, but it offers a regular income and often includes benefits, especially in larger organizations or public institutions.
  • Evening or Night Shifts: Many janitorial jobs are outside of standard business hours, which can be a plus if you prefer working when it’s quieter.

Potential Challenges

  • Physical Nature of the Job: It’s a job that requires you to be active, often involving cleaning, lifting, and moving around for most of your shift.
  • Working Off-Hours: If you’re working evenings or nights, it can be challenging to sync with the schedules of friends and family who have standard daytime routines.

A janitor is a job that matches the introvert’s desire for a predictable, low-key work environment.

9. UPS Package Handler

For introverts who prefer a physically active job over sitting in an office, being a UPS Package Handler can be a surprisingly good match. It’s about being part of a process, handling packages and ensuring they reach their destinations.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Physical and Independent: The job is physical, keeping you moving and active, which can be a great way to stay engaged without the drain of social interaction.
  • Part of a System: You’re a key part of the delivery process, but without the need for extensive customer interaction or teamwork.


UPS Package Handlers typically earn between $14 to $17 per hour in the United States.

  • Hourly Pay: The job usually pays by the hour, offering a straightforward compensation for your time and effort.
  • Benefits: UPS often provides benefits like healthcare and retirement plans, even for part-time employees, which is a great perk.

Potential Challenges

  • Physically Demanding: The job can be physically challenging, involving lifting, bending, and moving packages of various sizes.
  • Fast-Paced Environment: The work can be fast-paced, especially during peak times like the holiday season, requiring you to keep up with the pace.

10. Proofreader/Editor

For an introvert who loves language and has an eye for detail, being a Proofreader or Editor can be a good career choice.

Why It’s a Great Fit

  • Literary Career: You get to work with words, diving deep into texts, which is great if you love reading and have a knack for spotting errors.
  • Minimal Social Interaction: Most of the job is done independently, which means you can avoid the draining small talk and focus on what you do best – refining content.


Proofreaders and Editors typically earn an average salary of about $52,000 to $56,000 per year in the United States.

  • Steady Income Potential: It offers a regular income, especially if you work with a publishing house or a large organization.
  • Freelance Flexibility: If you choose to freelance, your income might vary, but you gain the flexibility to choose your projects and work hours.

Potential Challenges

  • Meeting Deadlines: There are often tight deadlines, which can be stressful, especially when working on large volumes of content.
  • Varying Workload: If freelancing, the workload can be inconsistent, requiring you to juggle multiple projects or face periods of less work.

Your Move

So, we’ve walked through a list of jobs that don’t force you to fight against your introverted nature. Remember, it’s more than okay to seek out roles that align with your need for quiet and space.

Being an introvert isn’t a hurdle; it’s a different way of interacting with the world. It’s about finding that sweet spot where we can be true to ourselves while navigating the world around us.

So, take a moment to reflect on these career paths where your introverted nature isn’t just accepted, but is your strength.
